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justfunsuccessattitude ( ** )

Success depends on your Attitude

JOB TO BE DONE                       YOUR ATTITUDE

I did it!              100%          Accomplishment
I will                  90%          Determination
I can                   80%          Knowledge of power
I will try              70%          Willingness
I think I can           60%          Faith in self
Do you think I can?     50%          Lack of confidence
I wish I could          40%          Weak desire
I can't                 30%          Inability
I don't care            20%          Indifference
I don't want to         10%          No desire or motivation
I won't                  0%          Stubbornness, rebellion

"I am only one, but I am one.  I can't do everything, but I 
can do something.  What I can do, I ought to do.  What I ought
to do, by the grace of God I will do."

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