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STIMULATOR message for the week of July 18, 1972

Message from President Eugene C. Ludwig, dated July 18, 1972

“That which we are, we are all the while teaching, not voluntarily, but involuntarily.”

Dear Fellow Missionaries:

As we have been in members’ homes, we have noticed pictures of missionaries.  Upon inquiring as to their identify, we have been told: “These are the two choice young men who brought the Gospel into our lives.”  Also, when I was admiring a young son of one of the sisters and asked what his name was, she stated the name and said: “He is named for the missionary who first introduced me to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”  “There will never be another person like Elder _____!” said one lovely lady as she was speaking about the missionary who had taught her family the Gospel.

The Prophet Isaiah wrote: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace.”  (Isaiah 52:7).  Abinadi also added:  “And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who shall hereafter publish peace, yea, from this time henceforth and forever!”  The Savior of the world accepted a call from His Heavenly Father.  In complete and perfect dedication, He gave himself to the work, suffering all kinds of hardship, humiliation, and even crucifixion in obedience to God’s commands because of His love of His Father and of all mankind, His brothers and sisters.  As a result, He is now able to feel the great love that flows from those who have truly come to know Him.  One day, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.  He will then feel the love of all mankind.

Our gift of talent and effort may be small and insignificant as contrasted with the total and complete gift of the Master.  But He has permitted us to share with Him in this feeling of joy.  He authorized the Plan, but He has called us to assist Him in its publication.

Suppose you are a young, struggling lawyer, and a fellow barrister with the qualities of an Alexander Hamilton, a Daniel Webster, or an Abraham Lincoln, were to invite you in as a co-partner to share equally in the profits of the firm.  You would not only give it your best, but you would work your heart out.

TO BE INVITED INTO A PARTENERSHIP WITH DIETY IN AN ENTERPRISE THAT  DEALS WITH THE SALVATION OF THE MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY IN THE WORLD — THE SOULS OF MEN — IS A HIGH COMPLIMENT.  The assignment is staggering.  Our contribution will be meager and insignificant in contrast to that of the Senior Partner.  Anything less than our best effort is an open manifestation of ingratitude to our great Benefactor who has offered to share the blessings equally with us.

Let us always be true to the trust that has been placed in us.

Faithfully yours,

President Eugene C. Ludwig

“The influence of man is not just in what he says, but what he is.”

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