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Recognizing and understanding the Spirit — Missionary Training Center presentation

Recognizing and understanding the Spirit — Missionary Training Center presentation

General principles:

The mission presidency has asked us to emphasize “Become Like He Is”, or become like Jesus.  As we talk about this topic, we should look to the Savior as the ultimate example of recognizing and understanding the Spirit. He was a member of the Godhead, and He lived completely under the influence of the Spirit and of heaven.  He lived by the Spirit, for the Spirit, He listened for promptings and guidance, He was sensitive.  In short, he recognized, He understood, and most importantly, He then ACTED in accordance with that recognition and understanding.  EXAMPLES?  1) He is teaching in a synagogue on a Sabbath Day, large congregation, many people, much He wants to say and teach.  However, He spiritually recognizes that there is an individual in that throng, a person, a soul that needs PERSONAL attention.  Understanding this, He changes His focus to THE ONE.  Who is this person?  An elderly woman was “bowed together, such that she could not lift herself up”, for 18 years she had been thus afflicted.  The scripture says, He saw her.  Coincidence? Happenstance? No, He was continuously seeking, through the Spirit, to find those who needed Him.  He asked the woman to come forward.  How much faith and courage?  Sensing her faith and devotion through the power of the Spirit, He laid His hands on her, released her from her affliction, and IMMEDIATELY she stood straight  2) He is passing through a crowd on the way to raise the daughter of Jairus from the dead, and recognizing and understanding through heavenly inspiration, He becomes aware that virtue, or spiritual power, had been drawn from Him.  He IMMEDIATELY stops and asks His disciples who had touched Him.  A woman with an issue of blood for 12 years had the faith to touch His garment.  Always sensitive to the needs of the ONE, Jesus stops, converses with her, and heals her.  He recognized, He understood, He acted.  3) Our sweet prophet, living every day of his life close to the Spirit, having promised the Lord every day that he would respond to any prompting that would bless a life, is swimming laps at the Deseret Gym.  While swimming, he is prompted to go to a nearby medical facility.  He is swimming!  Imagine it!  He responds IMMEDIATELY, and he literally saved the life of a friend by responding.  He recognized, he understood, he acted!

In most instances, the reception of the Spirit or the promptings of the Spirit is to bless another person’s life, to prompt us to action in behalf of others, to bless, inspire, lift, and edify, as Preach My Gospel instructs us.

In what ways does the Spirit touch us, prompt us, inspire us?:

  • Preach My Gospel beautifully describes many of the ways that the Spirit can reveal God’s will to us.  It mentions feelings of peace, joy, hope, elevating thoughts or ideas, righteousness, enlightenment, and many others.
  • Moroni 7: 13 -17 states:”…that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; everything which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God and to believe in Christ, and to serve him, is inspired of God.
  • Doctrine and Covenants 50:24 states: “That which is of God is LIGHT, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the PERFECT day.”
  • Joseph Smith said, “A manifestation from God will communicate intelligence, will open the curtains of heaven, will develop the purposes of God, in short, it will EDIFY!”
  • President Hinckley said, “You recognize the promptings of the Spirit by the fruits of the Spirit — that which enlightens, builds up, that which is positive and affirmative and uplifting and leads us to better thoughts and better words and better deeds is of the Spirit of God.”

How can I personally strengthen and develop this process in my own life (recognize, understand, act):

  • I will relate a beautiful experience from the life of one of our early apostles, Elder Parley P. Pratt (one of my greatest heroes!).  In this experience, Elder Pratt demonstrates several principles and guidelines that enable us to function under the guidance of the Spirit, specifically in missionary work.
  • Recount the story — 1) had served several missions  2) finally living in his own cabin on his own land  3) spring thaw  4) wife pregnant, very ill, bed-ridden  5) Heber C. Kimball  6) Toronto  7) what could he have said  8) when should I leave?  9) coat and a few coins  10) next day, goodbye  11) weeks on muddy roads, around Erie  12) now lake Ontario  13) grove to pray, boat please  14) stranger, help, gold coin, A NAME  15) Christian study group  16) John Taylor, Leonora Cannon Taylor,  Joseph Fielding, Mary Fielding  17) taught with power & authority  18) from this one mission (converts and their offspring) – three prophets, 4 apostles, thousands of faithful saints.  18) healing of a withered arm, not to PROVE something, but to bless a life.
  • Principle # 1 — Ask, knock, seek.  Doctrine and Covenants 4:7 — Ask, receive, knock, opened.  Parley and the Book of Mormon – book of books, eating was a burden, sleep was a burden.  I wanted only to…”  Plead with the Father to bless you with this discernment, with a promise that you will RESPOND!  Jesus, Parley, Thomas S. Monson continually ask and knock with the promise to SERVE.
  • Principle # 2 — Work, sweat, toil, effort, thrust.  Doctrine and Covenants 4:2-4  serve with all your heart, might, mind, strength, thrust in your sickle with your might.  Parley worked when it was not easy to work.  Hearing, recognizing, understanding, acting requires EFFORT.  The Lord asks us to step into his yoke!  What is a yoke for.  Jesus, Parley P. Pratt, Thomas S. Monson are tireless, always in the harness
  • Principle # 3 — Obedience. Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21.  To the scriptures, to Preach My Gospel, to leaders, to personal revelation.  When the prophet speaks, the debate is OVER!  Parley obeyed without hesitation when asked.  Jesus, Parley, TSM obeyed.  Jesus said on many occasions that He came only to do the will of the Father.
  • Principle # 4 — Pray with faith.  Alma 37:35,37 – Cry unto God for all thy support, counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and He shall direct thee for GOOD  Parley’s prayer in the grove, I am on thy errand, I need thy help, bound when ye do what I say.  I am dependent!
  • Principle # 5 — Give thanks, be grateful.  Doctrine and Covenants 59:21  Parley lived a grateful life, how many times does the Savior praise and bless and thank His Father.  Attitude of gratitude.
  • Principle # 6 — Open your mouth, respond. Doctrine and Covenant 60:2  Not well pleased for they open not their mouths, hide their talents.  Can we expect the Lord to inspire us if we are hesitant to act.  Parley was led every step of the way, and he OPENED HIS MOUTH!
  • Principle # 7 — Act with power and authority  Alma 17:3 – prayer, fasting, spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with the power and authority of God.  Be prepared fill your minds.  Jesus, Parley P. Pratt, Thomas S. Monson – always ready to give a reason for the faith that is within you. I am not ashamed.

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