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Recognizing the Spirit — Missionary Training Center presentation

Sunday afternoon training – Recognizing the Spirit – Branch 26 – Teaching outline & schedule

11:50 to 12:30 – Brother Taylor –  A) The four essential roles of the Spirit (Testifier, Revealer, Comforter, Sanctifier) and related scriptures pertaining to these roles   B) the crippled woman account in Luke 13, Jesus and the Spirit, the woman and the Spirit, his disciples and the Spirit  C) President Monson responds to the Spirit while swimming.

12:30 to 1:15 – Sister Taylor – PMG activity regarding the ways that the Spirit communicates:   As companions, consider the lists on pages 96 and 97 of PMG.  Take a few minutes (7 to 8) to discuss an experience, either scriptural or personal, that relates to one of these methods of spiritual communication.  Be prepared to share your thoughts with the other missionaries.  (Brother Taylor will interview missionaries during these 45 minutes.)

1:15 to 1:30 – Brother Taylor – Elmer Pollard and the role of the Spirit in his conversion (the young missionary and the Spirit, Elmer and the Spirit and the sleepless night, Elmer’s family and the Spirit, President Monson’s inspiration in having the new missionary in that area, etc.)

1:30-1:45 – Sister Taylor – As companions, read the section entitled ‘A Word of Caution’ found on page 98 of PMG.  Discuss with your companion any insights or inspirations you feel as you consider this section.  Pay close attention to the quote by President Faust found in the Red Box.  Be prepared to share your thoughts with the other missionaries.  (Brother Taylor will interview missionaries during these 15 minutes.)

1:45 to 2:00 – Sister Taylor – As companions, consider a scriptural or Church history experience where someone acted upon a spiritual prompting, and the uplifting results that came about due to this prompting and action.  Examples would include Nephi, Alma, Abish, Pahoran, Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, President Nelson and his bedstand notepad, etc.  (Brother Taylor will interview missionaries during these 15 minutes.)

2:00 to 2:45 – Temple walk – Enjoy a visit to the temple, and look specifically for symbols found on and around the temple that should have spiritual significance in our lives.  Record some of your thoughts on the section of your handout set aside for these thoughts.  Examples include “House of the Lord”, the water fountain and pools, the steeple, the three sections of the steeple, the upward-pointing wall sections of the second floor, Moroni, Moroni’s trumpet, ascending to the hill of the Lord, the orderliness and beauty of the grounds, the recommend desk, etc.

2:45 – 3:00 – Sister Taylor – Share some of your thoughts about your temple experience.  (Brother Taylor will interview missionaries during these 15 minutes.)

3:00 to 3:15 – Brother Taylor – The Chapel on the Hill and the role of the Spirit (the dream and the vision, circumstances leading to her being in Dunedin, the location of the chapel, the discussions, the influence of the Taylor family, the conversion, the baptism, the peace.

3:15 to 3:30 – Brother and Sister Taylor – Read the Ezra Taft Benson quote and the Elder Bednar quote. Bear personal testimonies.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON TRAINING – Branch 26 – Recognizing and Understanding the Spirit

1/ The four essential roles of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the lives of potential converts:

a/ Testifier – He testifies of the divinity of the Father and the Son (3 Nephi 28:11, 1 Cor 12:3)

b/ Revealer – He reveals God’s will, God’s mind, and divine truths  (D&C 8:2-3) ___________

c/ Comforter – He brings peace, solace, comfort, uplift  (John 14:26-27) _________________

d/ Sanctifier – He cleanses, purifies, sanctions, ratifies  (3 Nephi 27:20) __________________

2/ The role of the Spirit in the account of the crippled woman found in Luke 13

a/ The spiritual sensitivity of both the Savior and the woman __________________________

3/ President Monson recognizes the spirit while swimming! _____________________________

4/ As companions, consider the lists on pages 96 & 97 (or 102 & 103) of PMG.  Discuss an experience, either personal or scriptural, that relates to one of these methods of spiritual communication.  Be prepared to share your thoughts with the other missionaries. ___________________________

5/ A new missionary follows the prompting of the Spirit, which leads to a future member also following the prompting of the Spirit, all of which occurred due to a mission president following the prompting of the Spirit. _______________________________________________________

6/ As companions, read the section entitled “A Word of Caution” found on page 98 (or 105) of PMG.  Discuss with your companion any insights or inspirations you feel as you consider this section.  Pay close attention to the quote by President Faust in the red box.  Be prepared to share your insights with the other missionaries. ________________________________________________

7/ As companions, consider a scriptural or Church history experience in which someone acted upon a spiritual prompting, and the uplifting results that came about due to this prompting and acting.  Example would include Nephi, Alma, Ammon, Abish, Pahoran, Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, President Nelson and his bedstead notepad.

8/ Mural walk – Consider the mural of Moses and the children of Israel walking through the Red Sea in light of D&C 8:2-3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9/ Share your thoughts about the mural.

10/ The Chapel on the Hill – the role of the Spirit in leading a beautiful Samoan sister to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Spirit played a role in every single aspect of her conversion, from Apia, Samoa to Dunedin, New Zealand.

11/ Concluding words of prophets of the Lord concerning the role of the Spirit in our lives: “The Holy Ghost can deepen our joys, expand our vision, quicken our minds, strengthen our muscles, lift our spirits, multiply our blessings, increase our opportunities, comfort our souls, and pour out peace.  The Holy Ghost causes our feelings to be more tender.  We feel more charitable and compassionate with each other.  We are more calm in our relationships.  We have a greater capacity to love each other.  People want to be around us because our very countenances radiate the influence of the Spirit.  We are more godly in our character, and we are more sensitive, and able to comprehend spiritual things more clearly.” – President Ezra Taft Benson

“Many have wondered how to tell the difference between spiritual promptings and our own thoughts.  I think we over-complicate this.  All good emanates from Christ, so if you have a thought to do something good, it is prompted by the Holy Ghost.  If it invites and entices to do good, it comes from Christ, and we ought to do it.  In making decisions, we have to study our options in our minds.  Learn about the two options, understand them, compare them.  Then, when you’ve made a choice, take it in prayer to Heavenly Father.  If it is right, then over time we’ll come to know through the simple assurance of the Holy Ghost that this is the thing to do.  We will always be warned when we start on a bad path, and most answers from the Holy Ghost come a little bit at a time.  Moroni tells us that ‘that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually, wherefore, everything which inviteth and enticeth to do good and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.’  “  – Elder David A. Bednar

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