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Operation On Target 2011 — General information

ON TARGET — 2011 —  Utah National Parks Council

— Information Sheet — 

Scout Leaders and Scouts:  Are you looking for a great mountain-top experience this summer?  Come and participate in On Target!  This activity includes hiking to a mountain summit, signaling other scouts units with special On Target mirrors, a special mountain-tope ceremony, competition for various prizes, and making contact with “mystery” stations.  Note the following information:

Saturday, May 21, 2011:  This is the date of our Kickoff Seminar, held from 9 am to 10 am.  We invite one or two adult leader with one scout leader from each unit.  At this seminar, you will receive training in making On Target mirrors, aiming the mirrors, how to conduct a mountain-top ceremony, ham radio communication, and information on the various competition categories.  There will be excellent handouts available and all the information you will need for a successful experience.  This seminar will be held at the Provo Grandview Stake Center located at 1600 North 1880 West in Provo.  This building is on the Grandview Hill in northwest Provo.

Saturday, July 16, 2011:  On Target Day!  Official signaling time is from 11 am to 2 pm.  This is the big day.  Most units will backpack to the base of their peak on the preceding Friday, camp overnight, and then ascend to the summit on Saturday morning.  You can hold your mountain top experience on Friday night, Saturday morning, or after the signaling ends.  Some of the competition events include:

Largest mirror      Most participants      Best wildlife encounter

Smallest mirror     Longest contact        Best ham radio operator

Most contacts       Longest hike           Longest double reflection

Dignitary letters – 2011:  Each year we have a dignitary write a letter to the boys.  This letter can be used in the Mountain Top Ceremony.  This year we are very fortunate to have THREE dignitary letters.  They have been written by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Coach Bronco Mendenhall, the Head BYU Football coach, and by Kurt Warner, quarterback of the Arizona Cardinals.

General Information: This activity is open to troops, teams, and crews.  We hope you will teach the parents of your scouts how to use a signaling mirror, and have them signal the boys on On Target day.  The parents could congregate in the parking lot of your chapel or a nearby park.  It takes some effort and planning, but it can be a very wonderful part of On Target.  Many of the peaks will have a ham radio operator.  Sound exciting?  Register on the council website at or email Michael Taylor at [email protected]

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