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Why do we need a prophet on the earth today?

Author unknown.

1) Continuous revelation: God loves all of his children throughout the ages, and he has provided prophets to reveal his will.  Adam taught his children the doctrine of God, Noah called for repentance, Moses led God’s people out of bondage, Isaiah prophesied and warned, Christ (the greatest prophet of all) introduced his Gospel. And today, we are led by prophets in exactly the same manner, receiving God’s word that is timely, specific, inspiring for us in our circumstances.  Through prophets today, we can know God’s will currently and pointedly.  Amos 3:7 tells us that the Lord will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets unto prophets.  That applies to us today also.   Speaking of the prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord said,  “His words ye shall receive as if from my own mouth.” 

2) Purity of doctrine: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism.  As prophets of old, our prophets today reveal holy doctrine in purity.  Revelation flows from above to us by the words of prophets.  Unity of doctrine, purity of doctrine, consistency of doctrine, truthfulness of doctrine is maintained.  We don’t hold a council or assembly and debate what we should believe.  We don’t vote to adapt our beliefs to current trends in society. No, through a prophet we have the assurance what God’s will and doctrine is. “Will of the Lord, the mind of the Lord, the Word of the Lord, the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.”  Doctrine and Covenants 68.

3) Keys and authority of the priesthood: The Lord’s house is a house of order, and a prophet oversees and maintains order in the exercise of priesthood power in the church.  Ordinances are performed in prescribed ways by priesthood holders who have been duly authorized to perform such.  There is uniformity and correctness throughout the church.  Ordinances and covenants and blessings are given in the Lord’s way, all as directed by our prophet leaders.  “No man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that was called of God, as was Aaron.”  Those who act in the Lord’s name are duly authorized, properly ordained and set apart to do God’s work.  Consistency and unity are preserved as we follow the lines of authority prescribed by our prophets.

I bear solemn testimony that prophets are vital to  the work of salvation.  I testify that we have a living prophet on earth today.  A prophet in every way that Moses and Abraham and Isaiah were prophets.  A man who can authoritatively say, “Thus saith the Lord”.  Our prophet today is President Thomas S. Monson.  I have met him.  I have shaken his hand.  I have felt the power of his spirit.  I have listened to his words over many years, and have received a spiritual witness of his calling and office.  I bear testimony that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the restoration, that he saw the Father and the Son, that the church of Jesus Christ was restored through him.  The Book of Mormon stands as concrete evidence that Joseph was a prophet, a new witness of Christ.

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