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Fervent prayer

Talk idea — ‘Fervent prayers’  — How about a talk based on the five most fervent prayers I can find in the scriptures?

1) Nephi (in Helaman and 3rd Nephi) and his prayers for the people who were going to be killed if Christ didn’t arrive on time.  He prayed hard!

2) Enos all day and all night.  A woman approached President Harold B. Lee one time and they discussed prayer.  The topic of Enos came up.  The woman said that no one could pray all day and all night.  Even if they could, she felt it would be a fruitless thing to do.  President Lee said, “Good sister, I hope you never have such a serious or overwhelming problem in your life that it will necessitate an all night prayer, but I can tell you that I have had such a situation on more than one occasion.  I have prayed all day and all night, and then all the next day and all the next night.  I was not all the time on my knees, but I was still in continual prayer!”

3) Joseph Smith’s fervent prayer in Liberty Jail, as recorded in Section 122.

4) The prayers of the mothers of the stripling warriors.  They had never fought before.  Can you imagine these 1500 or so mothers watching their sons march off to fight the Lamanites, young men, unschooled in the ways of war?

5) The prayer of Alma senior for Alma junior.

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